Monday, April 10, 2006

Aliens Speak to America

Actually they are criminals...

synonyms:(felon, crook, outlaw, malefactor)

someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime

And if they are such hard workers how is it that they all got the day off?...I am pretty sure at least some of them are actually subsisting on American tax-payer dollars...


ruth said...

well, dusty, hope you don't mind my opinion as I'm not very much aware of the immgration problems in tghe usa. But I think it's a little exaggerated to call "criminal" to someone who demonstrate (as long as they do legal things, obviously). As demonstrating is a right. Am I correct?

dustywood said... the United States it is a crime to cross our border without our permission...So since they crossed into this country illegally they are criminals...not because they demonstrate...even though it is debatable wether they have that right since they are not protected under the same rights as American citizens...
What are the border laws of your country?

ruth said...

I'm so sorry, I thought they were legal workers already living in the States.
Didn't mean to bother...

dustywood said...

Hey Ruth No problem The way people around here talk you would think they are legal already.
Mike razing rabble is what I do.